MS in Pharmacology Experiences: Helping the Blind Community, "Be My Eyes."
For the month of October, I decided to do some research into new venues of volunteer work. I recently found an application that can be downloaded on an iPhone, as well as tablets and computers. The app is called "Be My Eyes- see the world together." The way the app works is that a volunteer with clear vision capabilities is matched with a visionally impaired person, in order to help them with simple tasks. Once the volunteer is signed up, a video call may come through and the volunteer is allowed to accept or decline. After accepting the video call, the volunteer can then see the blind's point of view (they move their phone to what they want you to view), and can further help them with tasks such as what color a shirt is, or how to guide them through a new space, and so on. I received my first video chat request shortly after signing up, I immediately answered, eager to see what my first experience would be like. Suddenly, I was connected to a nice man named Casper. He ...