Planting Magnolias with SOUL NOLA and YLC Assist
March: 4.5 hours For the month of March, I decided to team up with SOUL NOLA and the Young Leadership Council. SOUL NOLA stands for Sustaining Our Urban Landscape, and it is a NOLA-grown nonprofit organization committed to driving a more resilient and environmentally equitable New Orleans by reforesting or urban landscape. The Young Leadership Council (YLC) is a group of members that develop leadership skills through community service that makes New Orleans a better place to live, work, and play. SOUL's initiative is even more pronounced locally as a large amount of vegetation was decimated in Katrina and, as we are all very aware, New Orleans is a city that floods. SOUL does weekly plants throughout the year and our partnership for this event was dedicated to the Central City/Uptown area. Volunteers planted trees in groups across the region. The volunteers met at SOUL NOLA's base sight, where we split into groups and were handed shovels, pitch forks, mattocks and gl...